about kingbat

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What can they say about ourselves that hasn’t already come out in court or been scrawled across the walls of a public toilet?

This: Heath Collins (art director) and Liam Jenkins (copywriter) have been working together for seven years. In that time they’ve risen the ranks from lowly interns to a lowly associate creative director and a not as lowly (but still quite low) creative director.

What some would call a rapid rise is due not just to their incredibly sycophantic nature, but a lot of hard work too. They pride themselves on producing sexy, award-winning work, but also entertaining and effective work on a tighter budget.

In their spare time they like to pose for oil paintings and talk about themselves in the third person.

Pitch wins

Jeep Specsavers McCain Home Hardware Godfreys Sapporo Spirit of Tasmania Sealy DoorDash T20 World Cup Taco Bell Alfa Romeo

Awards / Recognition

New York Festival AWARD One Show Spikes Webbys Cannes Shots ad of the Year BestAds Emmy Awards